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We specialize in PR for promising global start up quantum tech companies

top tier media coverage

We generate top-tier media coverage in North America and beyond.

We use compelling and understandable language to tell your stories to audiences you need to reach.

The HKA Difference

Experienced staff

Veteran team with former journalists​

Specialists in Quantum Tech PR

#1 agency in this space​

Ideal Location

California Headquarters with remote team

Solid Media Relationships

We know the journalists who cover quantum and other deep tech


Recognized for outstanding client work and business integrity

Global Practice

Clients spanning US, UK, Europe, Australia & more

The Quantum Spin: Blog, Podcast and Newsletter

Inspiring the Next Generation of Quantum

According to Seth Lloyd, a quantum computing expert and professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, newborn babies are the only people alive who intuitively understand quantum mechanics – something that fades as they grow older. Until about three months old, babies engage in what can be known as A-not-B errors, demonstrating an understanding similar to concepts in quantum physics. As they begin learning to play games such as peekaboo, they shift their focus to more human-scale physics.

Building Quantum Software and Community

In this episode of The Quantum Spin by HKA, host Veronica Combs talks with Matt Johnson, CEO and co-founder of QC Ware, a software company that builds tools for drug discovery and materials design. Matt also convenes the quantum community three times a year at Q2B conferences in Silicon Valley, Paris and Tokyo.

Communicating Quantum Tech to a Non-Tech Audience 

When you add the adjective “quantum” in front of computing, suddenly the world of computers, so ubiquitous today, turns into a confusing, science fiction world to most people. In fact, the word “quantum” itself can send people down a rabbit hole of confusing terms like qubit, entanglement, and fidelity and echoes of other dimensions.

See what people are saying

Our work speaks for itself and is found in the most respected media outlets.

That said, it is always rewarding to receive recognition from peers. HKA has received many dozens of awards for its work in public relations and marketing communications.​

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