We specialize in PR for promising global start up quantum tech companies
The HKA Difference
Experienced staff
Veteran team with former journalists
Specialists in Quantum Tech PR
#1 agency in this space
Ideal Location
California Headquarters with remote team
Solid Media Relationships
We know the journalists who cover quantum and other deep tech
Recognized for outstanding client work and business integrity
Global Practice
Clients spanning US, UK, Europe, Australia & more
The Quantum Spin: Blog, Podcast and Newsletter
Inspiring the Next Generation of Quantum
Building a Quantum Workforce: Curiosity Required
Bridging the Quantum Divide: Ensuring Ethical Access in Developing Countries
Early in my career I worked in international development. Both during school and fieldwork I found myself in regions where the lack of critical infrastructure limited technological progress. In many developing countries, there was a hopeful belief: once we secure electricity, we’ll get internet access simultaneously, leapfrogging into the modern tech ecosystem. This optimism suggested that these nations could quickly catch up with more developed countries and were just one step away.